Yearly Archives: 2006

Let them eat cake


Cakewalk has released Sonar 6, the latest version of its recording studio software. I use Sonar for my work on Eponymous 4, and I’m waiting for the reviews to come in before I decide to upgrade.

I upgraded from Sonar 4 to Sonar 5 last year, and I don’t think I really got much out of it, feature-wise. I got more out of upgrading from Studio Edition to Producer Edition.

In fact, Sonar 5 turned out to be pretty buggy. I’m not sure I want to upgrade to Sonar 6 if it’s unstable, even if it’s tricked out with new features. This thread from the Cakewalk forums, however, does mention some things that sound tempting, namely audio quantize.

If I do decide to upgrade, I’ll do what I’ve done the last few times — wait for a sale. Christmas is coming soon.

Does this résumé make me look fat?

Technophilia Professional

Using the criteria lined out by this list of résumé pitfalls, I think my own résumé is a bit dull when describing the professional experience, whereas the miscellaneous stuff sounds more flash.

While I don’t use buzzwords, I do list the relevant technology used at each job, which is why I guess I get a bunch of random calls from third-party recruiters.

I didn’t realize recruiters and hiring managers had that much of a disconnect with their filtering methods. I always wondered why I felt something was always getting lost in translation when some recruiter would pitch me a job description that even I could tell I wasn’t qualified for.

Nuevo Taco X-Press

Capital of Texas

Have you been to the new Taco X-Press? It’s been open for the past two weeks now.

Although the interior is new and comfortable and spacious, the decor is still every bit as funky as the original shack. Just … cleaner.

Of course, "spacious" depends on the time of day. I try to get to Taco X-Press right when it opens, when the line is at its relatively shortest. I couldn’t manage that this past weekend, and the line threatened to snake out the door. Every table inside was practically taken, and the ambient noise from all the customers rang throughout the high ceiling.

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Dust bunnies


*sniff, sniff* … *ha-choo!*

Yup. It’s pretty musty here. It’s probably high time to dust this corner of the Internets off.

But how? That’s a good question.

The quickest way to make an MP3 playlist

Technophilia Aural

M3U files, at the very, very minimum, are text files listing MP3s in a particular directory. Most of my playlists are located with their MP3s, so they don’t mess with file paths. There is an M3U specification, but I tend to be lazy.

How lazy?

I open up a command prompt in my directory of MP3s and type:

dir /b *.mp3 > "playlist.m3u"

I then edit the resulting M3U file in Notepad, if I need to change anything around. Usually, my files are named in a way to put them in their proper track order.

This technique applies to Windows. Not sure what other operating system users do.

Yes! No! Yes! No!

Capital of Texas

Between the fliers in the mail and the spam on my answering machine, I’ve actually gotten curious about the brouha over Propositions 1 and 2 in the upcoming city elections.

When the screed hits the fan, I usually just tune out. Nothing turns me off faster than a political pissing match. Thing is, Proposition 6, which repeals a prohibition on domestic partner benefits for city employees, is on the ballot, and I’m making sure I vote for it.

So I can’t very well vote for one proposition without knowing about the rest.

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Shout out

Capital of Texas

I just want to give a big, warm FUCK YOU to all the drivers who made this morning’s commute to work feel like fucking Lord of the Flies. That is all.