Have you been to the new Taco X-Press? It’s been open for the past two weeks now.

Although the interior is new and comfortable and spacious, the decor is still every bit as funky as the original shack. Just … cleaner.

Of course, "spacious" depends on the time of day. I try to get to Taco X-Press right when it opens, when the line is at its relatively shortest. I couldn’t manage that this past weekend, and the line threatened to snake out the door. Every table inside was practically taken, and the ambient noise from all the customers rang throughout the high ceiling.

The parking situation is slightly better. At least now, you can pull out of the driveway without feeling you’re about to meet your maker. Since the new Walgreen’s isn’t yet open — and since construction is still happening on the site — parking gets snatched up at the busiest times.

The new patio is easily four times larger than the original, and the gravel floor is still in place.

However much I love Maria’s tacos, I stayed away from Taco X-Press because I just didn’t like the location of the shack. The shack itself was homey, but that driveway made me scared.

No such hinderances apply, but until more parking becomes available, space is still something of an issue.