Things about the old apartment I will not miss:
- The temperamental toilet. It flushes weakly and fills up slowly. Also, the seat rim has a bad habit of slamming down unprovoked.
- The a/c vent in the bedroom. When I'm working on audio, the white noise it generates interferes with my listening.
- The space-hogging fireplace which I never used in the seven cumulative years I lived in that unit.
- The back door, which tends to get hard to closer when the weather is extremely hot or extremely cold. Austin weather is rarely ever temperate.
- Carrying groceries up six flights of steps. My eating habits have deteriorated to whatever I can drag up in the fewest amount of trips.
Things about packing I hate:
- I cannot pack everything up days ahead. I would have liked to pack my plates, silverware and bathroom items days ago, but then what would I use till the actual move date?
- When everything is put into boxes, it's difficult to move around the apartment.
- It takes so fucking long!
- I refuse to ask friends to help me move because I don't want to be asked to help with a move, so I end up cursing multiple trips up and down six flights of stairs.
Things about the new apartment I won't look forward to:
- As I was bringing things over last night, I could hear my upstairs neighbor pounding away on a stairmaster or some such thing. That's really going to fuck with recording vocals.
- I spotted roaches.
This is why I don't move very often.