One of the most confounding things about Project Runway mentor Tim Gunn is the fact he hasn't had a boyfriend in 20 years. Even in his 50s, Gunn cuts a striking figure, impossibly well-adjusted and attractive, if not physically certainly in personality. He's the kind of guy who would have been taken long, long ago, but no — Gunn acknowledged his own thin skin where matters of the heart were concerned and exercised restraint.
That just makes him all the more hotter.
And yet, I find his resolve admirable. The energy most people spend trying to find "the one", Gunn spent cultivating a social circle suitable for his comfort. He stuck to his own idea of what it means to be a social creature, and over time, it rewarded him extremely well.
January 2009 marked 10 years since I took myself off the market. At the time, I said I was "taking a break" from dating. A decade later, I can count the few dates and hookups I've had since on one hand. OK, maybe one hand and a few fingers.
But I'm not Tim Gunn. Although I think he's quite the introvert, Gunn doesn't seem to have a misanthropic bone in his body. Me? I'm made of all sorts of misanthropy.
But I look at Gunn and think, "If someone as magnetic as him can keep to himself, the world isn't missing anything if I don't put my sorry ass out there." Oh, I've been told that I should have someone in my life, and Kramer has gone so far as to call my solitude "a waste of good Taurus."
Three years of therapy scratched at the surface of my motivations for not dating, and it would be too tedious of a read to detail it here. The summary is simple — I wasn't raised with very convincing models of how relationships work. I look at how my family interacts with their various spouses and partners, and I question where's the payoff.
Before 1999, I came close to understanding the allure of relationships, and I would think, "Hey, this is nice." A warm body, nice attention. But after some time and distance, I would think, "Huh. I kind of lost my sense of awareness there. Probably shouldn't let that happen again."
In other words, I have much lesser excuse for not dating than Tim Gunn. Tim doesn't like dealing with a broken heart. I just don't like dealing with people.
And yet, I find his example inspiring. He's a nice catch that can't be gotten. I make no claims of what kind of catch I am, but I know I'm not a good salesman for my own bona fides. Whatever the case, Tim Gunn has fashioned himself a life suitable for him which works well.
I don't see much wrong with my life either. I've got a job that doesn't make me dread life. I've got interests that keep me engaged. I have a small social circle that doesn't crimp on my sense of solitude. Would that improve with the addition of that "someone else"? I guess. But the incentive to find out just doesn't compel me to do so.