Hello, Holidailies readers.
A few days after I signed this site up to participate in Holidailies, I hit upon the gimmick I could have spread out over the coming month. The only problem? It's content more appropriate for my music blog, Musicwhore.org. I thought perhaps I could do it here on Vox, but it involves a bit of multimedia, and Vox is a bit inept in accomodating my exacting specifications on how it's to be presented.
That's a fancy way of saying I'm too lazy to make it work on this site.
I had actually been hemming and hawing over which site to register — this one or Musicwhore.org? I chose this site because it's been neglected, and a one-month challenge to write would force me to neglect it no longer. I had an online journal I kept for 10 years, but I ended it back in September 2006. I set this site up about six months later because I kind of missed the whole personal, online journal style (as opposed to short-burst, informational blogging). As days spread to weeks spread to months spread to years, it became apparent what little I had to say became even less.
As in, no-more-than-140-characters less.
Most of my personal blogging these days happens on teh Twitterz, because that 140-character limit really, really appeals to my love of conciseness and crypticness. But a series of Twitter posts amounts to little more than an autobiographical scrolling news bar at the bottom of a television screen. To get a full story, I would need to write a full story.
And that is my intention for the next month or so.
Whether I continue after that, I hesitate to guess.
Hello from Rhubarb. I like doing Holidailies because I am introduced to interesting sites that I would not have come across otherwise. Some become permanent friends; some are evanescent. Just like meeting new people in real life, I suppose.
It’s a far cry nowadays from bbs’s and darpa.net. I wonder what’s in store for the future….