I'm bored with everything right now.
I'm not in the mood to work in the studio. I'm not in the mood to write reviews or post blog entries. I'm not in the mood to shoot videos. I'm not in the mood to write creatively. I'm not in the mood to watch TV or movies. I'm certainly not in the mood to build web sites.
If I try to engage in something, I get fatigued mentally. I just don't want to do anything.
And I finally figured out why — it's a creative hangover. I jumped head long into a whole bunch of endeavors this summer, from releasing a CD to shooting music videos. I even self-published a novel. I had the sense I was really pushing myself, but I didn't really realize till now just how much creative fuel I've exhausted.
Just about everything, really.
Now I'm in this curious nether state where nothing engages me. It's kind of alarming and comforting at the same time. Part of me wishes the creative juice would get replenished, but like the Central Texas weather as of late, I'm going through a drought. Guess that's what I get for not conserving.
So I pretty much sleepwalk through the work day, then veg out in front of the TV at night. I have been hanging out in gay websites more often, and a series of events in the past week resulted in my giving my phone number to a guy. I'm working out still, but even that's reached a lull — I hit a plateau in August, and I've actually been gaining weight instead of losing weight. (Could be muscle, though.)
I'm pretty much disconnected.
I'd be annoyed, but annoying is boring too.