I think I noticed a subtle change in the way the sunlight came in through the window this morning. It was enough to make me realize there are approximately two weeks left in August. Once September starts, the length of the days start to contact noticeably.

Must have been all the rain we had this summer because it doesn't feel like the days actually got longer. Of course, they did, because the sun would not go down till after 8:30 p.m. But on those particularly rainy days, who could tell?

All that to say the summer seemed to have passed quickly. When I attempt to account for the time, I realize I spent most of it working.

Back in early June, I was writing lyrics. By early July, I was writing new music, By early August, I was recording vocals. I managed to write music for one album, salvage some compositions from college and fleshed out a cross section of stuff I recorded over the last two years.

I was kind of glad when I actually reached a stopping point where I could concentrate on other things, and it made me realize I spent most of the season focusing on studio work. Not that I could get out much with my income being decimated by bills.

Aside from working in the studio, I did manage to see a few movies, far more than I usually do. I took in Once, Sicko, The Simpsons Movie and Stardust. I'm aiming to watch The Bourne Ultimatum on Wednesday.

I'm a TV junkie, though, but even my TV jones took a backseat to the studio. Man, I love TiVo — I think I can hold it mostly responsible for my productivity. I've been watching The Closer (not fond of this season), Eureka (is Henry turning evil?), Psych (not enjoying it as much, and James Roday needs a shave), Burn Notice (new favorite), Mythbusters (how have I missed this show all this time?), The 4400 (thank diety they got rid of Freak of the Week) and Bleach (I thought I was too old for anime).

But I haven't travel — I did that back in April — and I haven't gone to any shows. Not a thrilling summer by any traditional criteria. But I did learn how to record vocals, and I used Ableton live to do a solo performance of Terry Riley's In C. That counts for something — in my world, at least.