The program for the 2007 Austin Gay and Lesbian Film Festival is now available. Actually, it’s been available since last week, but this past Friday, tickets became available for non-members. This year, ticket pre-sale is happening only online — no station at Tapelenders, sorry to say.

I spent part of the afternoon leaving printed programs around south Austin, so if you want to pick one up, you can find a few over at Jo’s Coffee, Guero’s, Curra’s, Ruta Maya, Cafe Caffiene and Amy’s Ice Cream next to the Westgate Theatres. If they’re already gone, well, I’ll see what I can do about getting more. You should be able to find the printed programs throughout town.

It looks like this year’s festival is heavy on international films and documentaries. The films I’m planning to see are The Bubble (Israel), Boy’s Love (Japan), Eternal Summer (Taiwan) and Semper Fi: One Marine’s Journey (USA).