Like the new design? It’s actually a variation on a previous design.

Before I went with the design with all the non-scrolling elements, this site and its companions had a simple, centered text column with vertical navigation and the masthead on the right side. It had far more color than the black background of the last design.

Well, I’ve gone back to that design with some variations. The masthead and navigation now follows a more "Western" approach, and I’m using the technologically cool Tahoma typeface than Trebuchet MS.

I wanted to abandon using images for text, so if you see question marks in the masthead, it just means you don’t have Japanese fonts installed. This site still looks weird in IE6, but you know what? I don’t care. I’m tired of IE’s non-compliance with web standards, and I’m not going to hack for that browser any more.

I’ve been wanting to redesign for a while now, but I didn’t get inspired till I browsed around Open Web Design. I’m not slick enough to go for a full Web 2.0 treatment.