KLRU is airing part two of The Elegant Universe on Tuesday night at 7 p.m. I ran across this special on NOVA while channel surfing one weekend earlier this year. I got so riveted by it that when I discovered a second airing on KLRU2 on the same day, I tuned in again.

Based on the book by Brian Greene, The Elegant Universe explains string theory in a way not unlike Alton Brown’s explanation of food science on Good Eats. Greene, who also hosts the program, breaks the theory down for the non-scientific audience, and the special effects are a lot more pronounced than most PBS science documentaries. The show is also pretty suspenseful.

I had thought about doing the cheap thing and trying to tape the show off my VCR, but it’s available on DVD, so I figure I’ll just be a big old nerd and add it to my wish list. Or I could just watch it online.