Of course, I’m all stoked Quruli is headed for SXSW. Thing is, the SXSW Asia site posted the Japan Nite line-up, and … no Quruli.

Those !#@$@# SXSW schedulers had better not put Quruli in a time slot that conflicts with the rest of Japan Nite. (Like they did with eX-Girl last year. Grrrrr.)

On the plus side, one of the showcases is called Japan Girl’s Night, featuring all-girl rock bands. Who can beat a line-up with Bleach and Noodles (never mind most everyone is going to show up for Petty Booka)?

I’ve been hunting down the official sites for some of the Japanese bands already booked for the festival. These are the ones with actual sound files:

  • Zanzo — Jazz/rock. Sounds like Wayne Horvitz.
  • Response — Shoegazer rock. Very much like Walrus and mono. I don’t want to miss this band.
  • Fuzzy Control — The band has a separate official site, but the label site has the audio clips. Trying to be Zoobombs, but ending up like Spin Doctors.

I could link the others, but you can probably find them — well, ones for Quruli and Bleach, at least — over at Musicwhore.org.