I updated and reformatted this list. I was going to change the original publication date so that it would get bumped up in the RSS feed, but I don’t feel comfortable revising history too much.
I briefly considered turning that entire table into some dynamically-generated database thing, but my mind followed that line of thinking to its natural conclusion — a lot of development time spent on something that could very well derail the pace of the recording sessions.
Too, I don’t think the data I’d provide such an interface would be terribly meaningful or accurate. After 20 years, I’m hazy about when I wrote what in the Binder. I’m terribly with labeling my stuff with dates. I’m not exactly certain when I finished songs I wrote even a year ago.
It’s not like songwriting is a task-oriented process. An idea for something might be sketched out one day and not see actual completion till years later.
But even jotting down basic info should be enough to keep track of things. My goal is eventually to stop raiding my archives. There’s a lot of stuff in there, though.
I put all the files on that list into Winamp to glean some statistics.

  • Number of songs recorded so far: 55
  • Running time of all songs: 3 hours, 29 minutes

I have this vague notion that I would start seriously considering playing this music live once I have four hours worth of material completed. That’s at least another EP’s worth of work.