I’m trying something slightly different.
I’ve got a bunch of songs that are little more than melody and harmonic rhythm, and some of them are years old, never having been set to MIDI, let alone recorded.
I don’t have a feel for what they may turn out to be — I don’t quite hear them in my head.
So I’m going to just program them all with as they are — chords and melody and hooks if there are any. I figure once I have a general architecture laid down for each song, I can start piling stuff on top of them.
It’s a method I stumbled across while working on “Choices”, and while I can’t say I’m married to the mix I created for that song, I like the surprise from seeing how it turned out.
Plus, it’s a good way not to be bogged down by a stopped dam. I was trying to create yet another mix of an old song — one I could never get right the first two tries — and I’m still stumped. This way, I feel like I’m making progress on work even if I’m nowhere close to finishing anything.
At first, I thought I was going to work a little less traditionally, focusing on a particular project and finishing it before moving on to something else.
For Imprint, that felt like the absolutely correct working method.
I don’t think I can do the same for whatever comes next.
I’ve got a backlog of material sketched out, and a number of different ways to group them. I assumed I was going to dismantle A Ghost in My Shadow completely, but now that I’ve reconstructed the rest of it, I’m not so certain.
So now, I’m just working on everything to sort out later — which is how projects as these are usually done.
I’ll come back later when I have something ready to show. I hope to have something new done before the semester starts.