Yes, I know you all want to hear about the Duran Duran concert.
Yes, I know there’s a lot to talk about the new computer.
Yes, I know I’m neglecting not only this journal but also this blog and this zine.
But I’ve got a good excuse. Two good excuses, really.
One is titled “Silver Sting“, and the other is titled Never Turn Back“.
I worked pretty intently on “Silver Sting” over the weekend, and I dashed off a reconstruction of “Never Turn Back” last night.
And that does it, as far as reconstructions go — for now. There are still a lot of songs that need to undergo a facelift, but they can wait for other projects.
Right now, I have about eight songs queued up for whatever this second Eponymous 4 project will turn out to be. Of those eight, four were pillaged from A Ghost in My Shadow, two are new but need some additional work, and the other two were completed but could use more editing.
I have seeds for another two that I haven’t really expanded upon. One of them will attempt to rip off the drum rhythm from Duran Duran’s “Secret Oktober”, but I’m not having much success with it.
So, yeah — I’m probably going to stay under for a little while longer while all this stuff gets fleshed out.
Mmmm. I covet.