On Wednesday night, I finally made it all the way through Johann Sebastian Bach’s Invention No. 13.

It took me three months to reach that point, so I’m feeling very proud of myself.

But I’m nowhere ready to perform it live. And there’s no way I can play it at the tempo marking. Hell, I can barely get to half the tempo marking.

So it’s going to take another few months — at least a year, if I start slacking — to get the point where I can play this piece in public.

Right now, the individual pieces of my current repertoire include:

  • “Big My Secret” from The Piano by Michael Nyman
  • “A Mood That Passes Through You” from The Piano by Michael Nyman
  • “The Heart Seeks Pleasure First” from The Piano by Michael Nyman
  • Moonlight Sonata, First movement by Ludwig Van Beethoven
  • Invention No. 13 by Johann Sebastian Bach

I may continue learning more pieces from The Piano, and I may even be brave enough to start working on the second movement of the Moonlight Sonata.

For some reason, I’ve been toying with Claude Debussy’s “Claire de Lune”, and there’s still some Scarlatti and Mozart books I haven’t cracked open yet.

But I feel good about finally being able to play the Invention No. 13 from start to finish — for the most part.